Website_Titelbild-e1452271538568Nils Ben­nett is a magi­cian, a desi­gner and a drea­mer. He is an expert in direc­ting atten­tion, sta­ging and pro­blem sol­ving. On a project-specific basis, he and his team sup­port artists, agen­cies and com­pa­nies with the deve­lop­ment of see­mingly impos­si­bi­li­ties for sta­ges, muse­ums, shop win­dows, exhi­bi­ti­ons and the indus­try.

In col­la­bo­ra­tion with this crea­tive thin­ker arise fasci­na­ting new pro­ducts and pre­sen­ta­ti­ons that will inspire your cust­o­m­ers and spec­ta­tors like­wise.

Bene­fit from Nils Bennett’s highly spe­cia­li­zed know­ledge and his net­work of relia­ble spe­cia­lists.